Author: William Ryan

Behavioural Strategies and Techniques for parents to support children and teenagers with ADHD

Presentation Secondary School ADHD Parents Workshop Terri Lloyd. Friday 15th February 2019. 10 am-12 pm……..

PresCast- Episode 2

With over 1,500 listens on their first broadcast, the girls at PresCast are back with…….

Prescast TY Pres Podcast is Live

As part of their TY Journalism module, our students have recorded their first podcast. Hosts…….

Parent Workshop- ADHD

There will be a morning workshop for parents on ADHD running in the school on…….

Leaving Cert Parents – Information Evening

Where: Presentation Secondary School Wexford When: Thursday 24th January 2019 at 7pm Guest Speakers: Catherine O’Connor Education Consultant…….

Leaving Certificate Subject Craft Fair

Thursday January 17th saw our Leaving Certificate cohort show off all that their chosen subject…….

Incoming First Year Information Night

We look forward to welcoming all of our incoming 1st years who will be joining…….

Christmas Holidays

Arrangements for the week of the 17th December  Tuesday 18th…….

Pupils Shine at Open Night 2018

Hundreds of prospective pupils and parents visited our school on November 14th as e opened…….

School Community Celebrates Presentation Day

The entire school community came together on November 21st to celebrate the Feast of Presentation……..