Leaving Certificate Applied

The Leaving Certificate Applied is a two-year Leaving Certificate, available to students who wish to follow a practical or vocationally orientated programme. The Leaving Certificate Applied is made up of a range of courses that are structured round three elements: Vocational Preparation, Vocational Education and General Education.

Students who successfully complete the programme are awarded a Leaving Certificate from the Department of Education and Science. The certificate is awarded at three levels: Pass; Merit; and Distinction.

Our LCA Information Booklet: 

LCA Booklet

Subjects Studied over the 2 years: 

English & Communication Vocational Preparation
Leaving Cert Maths Art/Drama/Dance
Social Education Hair & Beauty
Modern Language Hotel Catering & Tourism
Gaeilge Chumarsaideach Horticulture
ICT Science
Physical Education Religious Education


Letter from Simon Harris in support of LCA:


Full Curriculum can be found at link below: 


Updated Leaving Cert Applied Statement:


FAQ about Leaving Cert Applied: 
